Lockdown Systems

Lockdown Systems

Lockdown Alarm Systems shows how seriously your school takes the safety of your pupils
If a threat happens the Lockdown Alert Alarm prompts staff to go into Lockdown procedures.
This capability reassures parents. Your school clearly prioritises the safeguarding of their children.

Why do I need a Lockdown System

The Responsible Person in any education, health or public building has a lot more to fear these days. From gun and knife crime to organised terror attacks. There are many reasons you may need to implement a partial or total lockdown.

The rise in gang crime and “postcode wars” has brought knives and guns into areas of everyday life that we never thought possible in Essex. Nowhere is completely safe and the possibility of someone entering your school grounds and causing harm is very real.

Being able to turn a key and sound an alert is the fastest way to get your people safe, should the worst happen.

Not just schools but:

  • Hospitals
  • Shopping centres
  • Large public buildings

All have been identified as “soft targets” for terror attacks.

The nature of these attacks is evolving, as seen in London and other cities. Any Responsible Person tasked with safeguarding large numbers of the community needs an evacuation plan. And a Lockdown Alarm to kick it into action!

School Lockdown Alarms

NFASS are excited to offer basic Lockdown Alarm systems from just £249 inc VAT

You will get:

  1. Lockdown Alert key switch
  2. Professional installation and connection to your existing Fire Alarm System
  3. Demonstration and training for staff

If you require extra Lockdown Alert switches around your premises, we are happy to discuss your options.

Click here to get advice from our lockdown experts. We’ll get back to you ASAP

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